The Waterbury Neighborhood Association (WNA) intends to apply for a tree grant this fall through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. If our grant is approved, WNA will acquire the trees locally. The trees must be planted on public space. It is our preliminary plan to offer trees for both individual residences (to be planted in the public “parking” area – the space between the street and the sidewalk), as well as to plant select clusters of trees and shrubs along the bike trail.
WNA plans to coordinate the volunteers to plant and mulch the trees. The homeowner will simply be responsible for watering the new trees twice a week. If you are interested in having a tree or two planted at your residence, please send a note to:
Within your note please include:
a. your name
b. your address (which must be within WNA boundaries)
c. the quantity of trees you wish
d. the type of tree you wish – see the list below
The City of Des Moines has completed a tree inventory, and has determined that the following native Iowa species are underrepresented in our neighborhood:
If the trees are located under a power line, your options are:
1. Amur Maackia
2. Serviceberry
3. American Hornbeam
4. No preference
If there are no overhead power lines:
1. Shagbark Hickory
2. American Hophornbeam
3. Shingle Oak
4. Hybrid Elm
5. Tulip Tree
6. No preference
Please note that the WNA cannot guarantee that all respondents will receive a tree. There is a limited budget. Priority will be given to early responses.
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